Combat Wombat Type 567 IFV painted in an urban scheme, I probably spent over an hour applying those camo dots with a toothpick. Scheme is a rough adaptation of WWII German Armor scheme.
Rear view
The NSL squad I decided to pair it with, 3 riflemen, a SAW gunner, an AT launcher (I love the box launcher), and a designated marksman.
Everything together.
Oh, I suppose I should probably talk a bit about the prize portion of this contest ;). At the conclusion of each month a vote takes place to determine everyone's favorite swap. After a winner is chosen they receive a prize, this month's lucky winner will get a prize from Clear Horizon. Didn't win? No big deal, because if you manage to make swaps for 3 months in a row you'll get a prize just for participating.
While it's too late to participate in this month's contest, February's contest is just around the corner. An incentive to paint, some unexpected new minis, and the potential for prizes, what are you waiting for? Pick up your brushes and paint pots and get in the fight!